Sunday, March 6, 2011

We're Off!!!

2011 is getting off to a great start for the New Journey Qt! The Lord just continues to open new doors for us to share our musical ministry.

We've been practicing many new songs and adding to our set list such as: 24 Hours A Day, Walking Thru Jerusalem, Only Here For A Little While, He's A Miracle and more...

Its so encouraging to hear the great comments from all of our supporters about our music.

One of the biggest comments we often get is how much they appreciate that we have a "Live" band that is very blessed!

Of course, our first goal is always to point people to the one who sent us, "Jesus Christ Our Lord"! Its great when folks clap their hands, stomp their feet and enjoy the music, but its a much thing when they accept Jesus as Lord of their Life or when they rekindle their relationship with God.

Each of us in New Journey asks that you remember us in prayer as we life up the name of our Savior. Sometimes its not easy and we especially ask that you remember our keyboardist Jay Ayers who is have shoulder difficulty and our steel guitar player who has severe back issues.

No matter what...we will press on toward "The Prize" and we love each and every one of you!

May God Bless You,

Bill Warren - New Journey Quartet