Sunday, March 6, 2011

We're Off!!!

2011 is getting off to a great start for the New Journey Qt! The Lord just continues to open new doors for us to share our musical ministry.

We've been practicing many new songs and adding to our set list such as: 24 Hours A Day, Walking Thru Jerusalem, Only Here For A Little While, He's A Miracle and more...

Its so encouraging to hear the great comments from all of our supporters about our music.

One of the biggest comments we often get is how much they appreciate that we have a "Live" band that is very blessed!

Of course, our first goal is always to point people to the one who sent us, "Jesus Christ Our Lord"! Its great when folks clap their hands, stomp their feet and enjoy the music, but its a much thing when they accept Jesus as Lord of their Life or when they rekindle their relationship with God.

Each of us in New Journey asks that you remember us in prayer as we life up the name of our Savior. Sometimes its not easy and we especially ask that you remember our keyboardist Jay Ayers who is have shoulder difficulty and our steel guitar player who has severe back issues.

No matter what...we will press on toward "The Prize" and we love each and every one of you!

May God Bless You,

Bill Warren - New Journey Quartet

Monday, January 10, 2011

Exciting Things Ahead In 2011

All of us in the New Journey Quartet are excited as a new year begins! We so look forward to seeing all of our friends at our concerts.

New bookings are coming in now and if you've never hosted New Journey in concert, we'd love to come your way! We enjoy singing in churches, restaurants, concert halls and wherever the Lord leads!

It is our belief that God great uses the gospel music ministry to lead the lost to "Him" as well as refresh those who may be out of touch.

New Journey QT. comes on a "Love Offering Basis" because the Lord has allowed us to do so. Many churches think they cannot afford groups this large but its simply not so. Give us a call today, we'd love to share with you what all the Lord has done!

God Bless,

Bill Warren - New Journey

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Things Are A Gettin' Busy!

Summer brings the New Journey Quartet a busy time of homecomings, outdoor concerts, saturday & sunday singings plus more! We're so incredibly thankful that the Lord continues to use our group for his purposes!

New Journey is singing almost every weekend for the forseaable future and we invite you to come to one of our concerts and worship the Lord with us in spirit and song!

Also, check periodically with our concert calendar on our website at:

We're also proud to announce that our new DVD Video entitled "New Journey Quartet - Get Up In Jesus Name - The TV Sessions" is now available. If you would like to have one, please call me at 828-729-1020 or of course, see us in concert to purchase one.

May God Bless,

Bill Warren - New Journey Quartet

Friday, February 26, 2010

Changes In The Group

Just wanted to let everyone know that with sadness, our bass player of many year, Mike "Catfish" Puett has decided to step down due to schooling and family time issues. We completely understand and wish Mike the very best in his future endeavors. Thanks Mike for all of your years of service to God and to the New Journey Quartet!

Our drummer Mike Shew has stepped up and filled the bass guitar slot and is doing it quite well! We really had no idea how good of an electric bass player he is until practice one night and all of us were left with our jaws hitting the floor! Thanks Mike for being so willing to step up to the plate whenever we need you...God will bless you for it!

A special thing has happened for Angie & I...our son Dillon has stepped into the role of full time drummer for New Journey and we are so proud! He's being playing a few songs on each set with us for several years, but the Lord really worked this one out for us...and what a blessing to have our son playing side by side with us...God is so good! And yes, all those years of drum lessons and loud banging at our house really did pay off! :)

New Journey is moving forward as we feel led by God's will for our lives. Time grows short and we must be busy spreading God's message of salvation & love through word and song. We look forward to seeing you at a concert soon..keep New Journey in our prayers and may God richly bless you!


Bill Warren, New Journey Quartet

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Journey Qt. is off to a bang in 2010 with a live performance last night on the Niteline TV Show, Greenville, affiliate of the Trinity Broadcast Network. The show was great...wonderful christian speakers, testimony and more! Thanks goes to the Niteline crew for making our time with them a wonderful one as they always do! TV is such a wonderful medium and it gives our musical ministry the opportunity to touch millions all across North/South Carolina & Georgia.

God has great things in store for all of us in 2010...we want to be ready to answer his call in our lives. It is our hope to bring more people into his kindgom through the ministry of music. Maybe, we can get a chance to be with you somewhere on the concert trail this sure to check out our concert calendar often at: and come out when we're in your area...we'd love to meet you and worship together!

"Til Next Time

Bill Warren - New Journey Qt.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We're not ashamed to wish you a Merry Christmas from all of us in the New Journey Qt! Christmas is that most wonderful time of year when we have the "Honor" of praising our Lord for what he has done for us!

Yes, everything else is nice, the trees, Santa and all of that, but the most important thing and the "Reason for the Season" is Jesus Christ. This same Jesus who is alive today came to Earth over 2000 years ago as a babe..and who later grew up to give his life for you and me that we might have "Eternal Life" by & through his shed blood! Because of his sacrifice, we now have the way to Heaven if we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior!

What better Christmas gift could we give someone than to lead them to Jesus this Christmas season...heaven's bells will be ringing and the angels will be rejoicing! Now thats the kind of Christmas carol I like to hear...

We wish each and everyone a safe, prosperous and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Yours in Christ,

Bill Warren
New Journey Quartet

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Journey Qt. Adds Facebook

Wow...we really must be in the 21st century for sure now! Several young folks have been showing me about this new thing called "Facebook" and it really looked neat. So guess what? We've added facebook to our regular website and blog for easy & quick news on the group.

Might I ask a favor of you? Would you mind to click on the facebook badge to the left of this post and then click on the "Become a Fan" link on our facebook page? Its just another way that New Journey Qt. can keep you updated!

Thanks and may God richly bless you!


Bill Warren - New Journey Qt.