Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mariah Baptist Church is Great!

Its been another successful weekend for the Lord! We were fortunate to have been invited to perform at Mariah Baptist Church for their "Pack A Pew" Sunday service and let me tell you...these folks really have it going on!

What a wonderful feeling of friendliness these folks exude and trust me...not every church is like that! After making us feel very welcome, we did (2) sets of country gospel and I thought the roof was gonna blow off the place! The Holy spirit was definitely in control and Pastor Bill and his church singers did a wonderful job as well...this church if full of talent!

Mariah Baptist...keep on keeping on...you've got something special at your place!

As the year winds down, I'm reminded ever more how much we need to keep on doing all we can to serve God. The winds may blow around us, the financial markets may look bleak, gas may be very high or even non-existant in places...but God will always make a way through the rough times for his children. I truly think "His Coming" must be close at hand and we do not want to be caught unprepared upon "His" return. Let me exhort each of you to be co-laborers in the field....there are lots of souls needing salvation and many hurting people out there whose fire may have grown dim....lets lift each other up to God in prayer and fight the good fight of faith!

In His Service,

Bill Warren
New Journey Quartet
179 Elm Ave.
Hudson, NC 28638
website: www.newjourneyqt.com
email: warren69@bellsouth.net

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