Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Trinity Broadcast Network Appearance

We got in last night around 1pm after having made an appearance on the TBN affiliate Dove Broadcasting Network's show known as "Niteline" hosted by Joanne Thompson in Greenville, SC. Let me say what a pleasure it was to be a part of this wonderful program which truly touches people for God!

This was our second return appearance on Niteline and a few of our current members hadn't performed on TV before, so needless to say, we were a little bit nervous. However, the whole crew at Niteline put us all at ease and when Ms. Thompson had a word of prayer with everyone proceeding the show, we all knew that God was at the steering wheel and that everything was going to work out alright...let me rephrase that...it wasn't alright, it was awesome! We've already been getting emails from viewers of the program and how the music and word of God touched them in a special way and we truly appreciate the kind words and the opportunity to share our ministry over the airwaves.

Also of special note, we hope to create a new DVD/CD from our live performance on Niteline thanks to the excellent sound quality of the DBN crew...thanks guys, you were great to work with! Be on the lookout in a month or so for this new "Live" project...we're really excited about it!

This coming sunday, we'll be performing at a new church to us for our first time, High Shoals Baptist Church in Mooresboro, NC at 10am. Come on down, we'd love to have you worship with us and I'm sure the pastor of High Shoals Baptist would love to have you as their guest!

Until the next time, keep on praying for us as we do for you...and may God richly bless you!


Bill Warren
New Journey Quartet
email: warren69@bellsouth.net
Telephone: 828-726-1143

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